• 508 and ADA Accessibility
  • Annual/Project Report
  • Concept Development
  • Education
  • Equity
  • Storytelling
  • Technology

The All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development partnership between USAID, AusAid and World Vision invested in innovative uses of technology to increase the reach and quality of education, especially literacy. It reached over 3.3 million children in 49 countries, created materials in over 113 languages–including books in braille and 12 sign languages–and trained over 130,000 teachers and caregivers to support young readers. Over the course of this 12-year program we designed over 25 reports and impact assessments, including the final report—an in-depth overview of how education technology was used to improve reading outcomes of marginalized children around the world. The interactive design uses strong type hierarchy, color blocking and stakeholder-centered photography to structure the mix of evaluation findings, case studies, recommendations and resources. Read the full report here.

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